miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

노동을 성화하는 것이 무엇인가?

노동을 성화하는 것이 무엇인가?
성 호세마리아의 기념 미사,    2020 6 27

매년  우리는 성 호세마리아의 기념 미사를 봉헌할때, 그의 가르침에 더 깊이 들어가려고 노력합니다.
오늘 저는 직장 생활을 성화시키는 방법에 대해, 언급하고 싶습니다. 왜냐하면 많은 사람들이, 너무 바쁘니까, 기도 생활을 신경 쓰거나, 가족을 잘 기우는 것이 쉽지 않다고 생각하기 때문입니다.

우리 모두가 매우 바쁘다고 말합니다.   모두는 ', 바쁘다' '시간이 없다'와 같은 말을 하루에도 몇 번씩 하곤 합니다.
그러면 과연, 그 바쁜 시간을 효율적으로 잘 쓰고 있을까요?  
하루 만 놓고 봐도,  어떤 사람은,  24 시간 동안 많은 일을 하고,  어떤 사람은, 한 가지 일도 다 끝내지 못합니다.   그래도, 모두 ´´오늘 하루는 너무 바빴다´´고 이야기 하겠죠. 

이런 차이는, 각자의 시간 관리 능력이 다르기 때문에, 생기는 것입니다.  그리고,  일의 우선 순위에 따르고...,   , 초자연적인 의미가 있느냐 없느냐에 따르면  결과가 다릅니다.
인간이  창조되었을때부터, 사람이 하느님의 협력자가 되었습니다. ( 1:26; 2 : 3,  2:15).
원죄 때문에,  '얼굴 땀을 흘리면 빵을 먹지만, ( 3 : 17.19),  인간의 사업의 역할에  변화가 없었습니다.

우리가 하느님과 함께 세상을 계속 완성시키고 있습니다.  그래서,  노동은 돈을 버는 것, 또는 개인적인 오만의 표현이 아닙니다.
아니요, 일을 통해, 사람은 하느님과 협력하며,  노동은 모든 미덕이 작용할 기회를 제공합니다.

그러한 관점에서 노동을 보지 않고,  오늘날 우리의 물질주의 사회는, 사람들이 '얼마나 많은 돈을 버는가'와 더 높은 수준의 물질적 well being '웰빙'을 얻는 능력에 따라, 사람들을 분류합니다.

• 그리스도인의 관점에서 보면,  일은 하느님의 선물이며, 직업에 따라 사람을 다르게 분류하는 것은 의미가 없습니다.
• 모든 직업은 자신의 개성을 개발할 수 있는 기회'입니다.

예수님꼐서 목수 직업으로 선택하셨습니다.  나사렛으로 돌아가셨을 때, 그분은  직업으로 식별되었습니다. ´´저 사람은 목수로서 마리아의 아들이 아닙니까? (마가 복음 6 : 3) ´.

그래서,  이제 우리가 세상의 구속주인 그리스도와 연합한다면, 우리도 구속할 수 있습니다.
직장에서  나타나는 피곤함 과, 어려움은,  모든 인류에게 엄청난 가치가 될 수 있습니다.

그러나 이것이 이루어지려면, 일에는 인간의 목적뿐만 아니라, 초자연적인 이유로 해야 합니다.
그리스도를 본받아   노동을 보지 않는다면,  그 일을 미워하거나, 명성과 월급  만 생각하게 될 것입니다.

아침마다 지하철에서,  많은 사람들이,   '의미한 일을 하는 것처럼  '일자리'에 다닙니다. 그들이 기대하는 것은 주말과 월급입니다.
분명히, 이런 종류의 노동은,  사람을 성화시킬 수 없고, 그의 성격을 발전시킬 수 없으며, 사회에  유익 할 수 없습니다.

우리가 초자연적인 정신으로 일하려고 노력하는가? 
잘했던  일은, 사랑으로 한 일'입니다.  우리는  자동으로, 수행하는 것이 아니라,  하는 일에 마음을 담아야 합니다.
우리는 자신 직업을 좋아해야 됩니다.  

노동은,  우리 성격을 좋아지느냐,  가족을 위해 제공하는 기회에 따라,   그리고  사회 공헌에 달려 있습니다.
사람들이, 나에게 매우 자주 하는 질문이 있습니다. 일을 성화한다는 것은, 무슨 뜻입니까?
가장 중요한 것은,  일하는 의도, 목표입니다.
일상적인 일에,  초자연적 동기를 부여하면   그일을 성화시킬 수 있습니다. (성 호세마리아, , 359)
그러나 동기나 의도는, 단순한 소망이 아니라, 그것이 만들어지는 최종 목적입니다.

그럼, 좋은 의도를 보증하는 몇 가지 팁을 말씀 드리겠습니다.
여기에, 우리는 초자연적인  의도로  일하는 것을 보장하기 위한,  아홉개 조언을 제공합니다.

1. 첫째, 시간을 지켜라, 약속을 지켜라.

2. 둘째, 신앙적인 의도를 세우고,  미사와 연결시켜라. 미사에서는 하느님꼐서 아들을 바치고, 그 아들은 자신 목숨을 바칩니다. 우리도  직장에서의 희생은,  미사의 희생과  결합합시다!
미사 때,  성령은 빵과 포도주를 그리스도의 몸으로 바꾸고, 또한 신자들을 그리스도의 신비로운 몸으로 변모 시키는 것처럼,  우리 부족한 일도 신앙적인 일로 변모하십니다.

3.  셋째, 가능하면,  중요하고, 어려운 일부터 시작하라.  아마, 보통 미루하는 그 일로 시작하면 됩니다... 왜 미룹니까?  어려워서 그런지? 그럼, 시작할때  적어도 첫 30분에서 60분은, 힘들고 중요한 일에 소비하라.

4. 넷째, 일을 하면서,  여러분을  사랑하는 하느님을 자각하여라, 즉 하느님과 함께 일하도록 노력하라.   컴퓨터 바탕화면,  책상 위의 십자가,  탁자 위의 사진,  알람이나 음악,... 직장 내에서 불화가 있는 동료, 등 자신에게 하느님을 상기시킬 수 있는 방법을 동원하여라.

5. 다섯째, 가능하면, 음악이나 회의가 없이..., 방해 없이... 업무에 집중 할 수 있는 조용한 시간을 갖도록 하라.   그것은, 일에 집중하고, 하느님과 함께 일하는 데 도움이 될 것이다.

6. 어섯째, 업무를 마지막 순간까지 미루지 마라. 이렇게,  스트레스를 피할 수 있을 것입니다.

7. 일곱째, 동료, 고객, 거래처 등을, 긍정적이고 낙관적인 태도로 대하라.  모든 전화, 메시지, 비즈니스 미팅은, 그 사람들을 위해 기도하는 계기가 될 수 있습니다.

8. 여덟째, 일하는 방식을 개선하도록 노력하고, 중장기적으로 성장하도록 노력하라.  당신의 일을 더 잘 수행 할 수 있는 방법에 대해 새로운 것들을 공부하라. 반성하고, 자신의 실수나, 다른 사람의 실수로부터 배워라.

9. 아홉째, 다른 사람에게 칭찬 받는 것보다,  자신이 한 일에 대한 스스로의 만족을 더 중시하라.  하느님의 의견이,  다른 사람의 의견보다 더 중요하다.

예수여,  당신이  워크숍에서,  공장에서, 몇년 동안 일하셨습니다. 우리가 당신과 함께 일하고, 우리의 사업을 성화하고, 가족 생활과, 기도 생활과   호환 되도록  가르쳐 주십시오.’

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

What is a Catholic priest? What is the nature of the priesthood?

(Text  from the decree “Presbyterorum ordinis”, on the ministry and life of priests, of the Second Vatican Council, issued by the Commission on the Discipline of the Clergy, being Blessed Mons. Alvaro del Portillo the secretary)

By the sacrament of Orders priests are formed in the image of Christ the Priest, to be ministers of Christ the Head in constructing and building up his whole Body, the Church, as fellow-workers with the order of bishops. In the consecration of baptism they have already received, in common with all Christians, the sign and gift of so great a vocation and grace that, even in their human weakness, they have the power, and the duty, to seek perfection, in accordance with our Lord’s words: Be perfect, then, as your Father in heaven is also perfect.

Priests are obligated in a special way to acquire this perfection. By receiving holy Orders they have been consecrated in a new way, and made living instruments of Christ the eternal Priest, so as to be able to continue through the years Christ’s wonderful work which, by divine power, has restored to wholeness the entire family of man.

Since each priest acts, as far as he may, in the person of Christ himself, he is given special grace to help him grow toward the perfection of the one whose role he plays, as he ministers to his flock and the whole people of God. He receives grace for the healing of human weakness from the holiness of Christ, who became for us a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners.

Christ, whom the Father sanctified, that is, consecrated, and sent into the world, gave himself for us, to redeem us from all sin, and to purify for himself an acceptable people, zealous for good works. So, through his passion he entered into his glory. In the same way, priests, consecrated as they are by the anointing of the Holy Spirit and sent by Christ, put an end in their lives to the sins of our selfish nature, and give themselves wholly to the service of mankind, and so are enabled to grow to perfect manhood in the holiness with which they are enriched in Christ.

As they exercise the ministry of the Spirit and of holiness, they are strengthened in the spiritual life, provided that they are docile to Christ’s Spirit, who gives them life and is their guide. By the sacred actions they perform daily, and by their entire ministry in communion with their bishop and fellow-priests, they are set on the way that leads to perfection.

The holiness of priests is itself an important contribution to the fruitfulness of their ministry. It is true that God’s grace can effect the work of salvation even through unworthy ministers, but God ordinarily prefers to show his wonders by means of those who are more submissive to the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and, who through close union with Christ and holiness of life, are able to say with Saint Paul: I live, but no longer is it I who live, it is Christ who lives within me.

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Kim Tae-gon: "If any of us is executed, I ask you not to forget our families"

September 20: Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, the first native Korean priest, Paul Chŏng Ha-sang (a layman who appealed before the government) and Companions, Martyrs

From the last letter by Kim Tae-gŏn, from prison: 

My brothers and sisters, my dearest friends, think again and again on this: God has ruled over all things in heaven and on earth from the beginning of time; then reflect on why and for what purpose he chose each one of us to be created in his own image and likeness. In this world of perils and hardship if we did not recognize the Lord as our Creator, there would be no benefit either in being born or in our continued existence. We have come into the world by God’s grace; by that same grace we have received baptism, entrance into the Church, and the honor of being called Christians. Yet what good will this do us if we are Christians in name alone and not in fact? We would have come into the world for nothing, we would have entered the Church for nothing, and we would have betrayed even God and his grace. It would be better never to have been born than to receive the grace of God and then to sin against him.

Look at the farmer who cultivates his rice fields. In season he plows, then fertilizes the earth; never counting the cost, he labors under the sun to nurture the seed he has planted. When harvest time comes and the rice crop is abundant, forgetting his labor and sweat, he rejoices with an exultant heart. But if the crop is sparse and there is nothing but straw and husks, the farmer broods over his toil and sweat and turns his back on that field with a disgust that is all the greater the harder he has toiled.

The Lord is like a farmer and we are the field of rice that he fertilizes with his grace and by the mystery of the incarnation and the redemption irrigates with his blood, in order that we will grow and reach maturity. When harvest time comes, the day of judgment, those who have grown to maturity in the grace of God will find the joy of adopted children in the kingdom of heaven; those who have not grown to maturity will become God’s enemies and, even though they were once his children, they will be punished according to their deeds for all eternity.
Dearest brothers and sisters: when he was in the world, the Lord Jesus bore countless sorrows and by his own passion and death founded his Church; now he gives it increase through the sufferings of his faithful. No matter how fiercely the powers of this world oppress and oppose the Church, they will never bring it down. Ever since his ascension and from the time of the apostles to the present, the Lord Jesus has made his Church grow even in the midst of tribulations.

For the last fifty or sixty years, ever since the coming of the Church to our own land of Korea, the faithful have suffered persecution over and over again. Persecution still rages and as a result many who are friends in the household of the faith, myself among them, have been thrown into prison and like you are experiencing severe distress. Because we have become the one Body, should not our hearts be grieved for the members who are suffering? Because of the human ties that bind us, should we not feel deeply the pain of our separation?

But, as the Scriptures say, God numbers the very hairs of our head and in his all-embracing providence he has care over us all. Persecution, therefore, can only be regarded as the command of the Lord or as a prize he gives or as a punishment he permits.

Hold fast, then, to the will of God and with all your heart fight the good fight under the leadership of Jesus; conquer again the diabolical power of this world that Christ has already vanquished.
I beg you not to fail in your love for one another, but to support one another and to stand fast until the Lord mercifully delivers us from our trials.

There are twenty of us in this place and by God’s grace we are so far all well. If any of us is executed, I ask you not to forget our families. I have many things to say, yet how can pen and paper capture what I feel? I end this letter. As we are all near the final ordeal, I urge you to remain steadfast in faith, so that at last we will all reach heaven and there rejoice together. I embrace you all in love.

martes, 1 de julio de 2014

Where to find me?

It is easy to find me:  ilandajau@gmail.com.

I live in Dongjak Gu, Sando-dong 53 gil 8-0, Remian Sangdo 3, Cha Apartment 301, 404 or 1301. Seoul 156-732 (near Soongsil Univ. subway station)


miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

The work that the Church carries out in the world would be incomprehensible unless the Holy Spirit dwells on it

Saint John wrote: “On the last day of the festival, Jesus cried out: Streams of living water will flow from the hearts of all who believe in me. If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Streams of living water will flow from his heart. He was speaking of the Spirit whom all believers would receive” (John 7:37-39)

And the dogmatic constitution on the Church of the Second Vatican Council, explains:

When the Son completed the work with which the Father had entrusted him on earth, the Holy Spirit was sent on the day of Pentecost to sanctify the Church unceasingly, and thus enable believers to have access to the Father through Christ in the one Spirit. He is the Spirit of life, the fountain of water welling up to give eternal life. Through him the Father gives life to men, dead because of sin, until he raises up their mortal bodies in Christ.

The Spirit dwells in the Church and in the hearts of the faithful as in a temple. He prays in them and bears witness in them to their adoption as sons. He leads the Church into all truth and gives it unity in communion and in service. He endows it with different hierarchical and charismatic gifts, directs it by their means, and enriches it with his fruits.

By the power of the Gospel he enables the Church to grow young, perpetually renews it, and leads it to complete union with its Bridegroom. For the Spirit and the Bride say to the Lord Jesus: “Come!”
In this way the Church reveals itself as a people whose unity has its source in the unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The whole company of the faithful, who have an anointing by the Holy Spirit, cannot err in faith. They manifest this distinctive characteristic of theirs in the supernatural instinct of faith (sensus fidei) of the whole people when, from the bishops to the most ordinary lay person among the faithful, they display a universal agreement on matters of faith and morals.

This instinct of faith is awakened and kept in being by the Spirit of truth. Through it the people of God hold indefectibly to the faith once delivered to the saints, penetrate it more deeply by means of right judgment, and apply it more perfectly in their lives. They do all this under the guidance of the sacred teaching office: by faithful obedience to it they receive, not the word of men but in truth the word of God.

Moreover, the Holy Spirit not only sanctifies and guides God’s people by the sacraments and the ministries, and enriches it with virtues, he also distributes special graces among the faithful of every state of life, assigning his gifts to each as he chooses. By means of these special gifts he equips them and makes them eager for various activities and responsibilities that benefit the Church in its renewal or its increase, in accordance with the text: To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for a good purpose.
These charisms, the simpler and more widespread as well as the most outstanding, should be accepted with a sense of gratitude and consolation, since in a very special way they answer and serve the needs of the Church.

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

Christians are indistinguishable from other men; and yet there is something extraordinary about their lives

From a letter to Diognetus (2nd century)

Christians are indistinguishable from other men either by nationality, language or customs. They do not inhabit separate cities of their own, or speak a strange dialect, or follow some outlandish way of life. Their teaching is not based upon reveries inspired by the curiosity of men. Unlike some other people, they champion no purely human doctrine. With regard to dress, food and manner of life in general, they follow the customs of whatever city they happen to be living in, whether it is Greek or foreign.

And yet there is something extraordinary about their lives. They live in their own countries as though they were only passing through. They play their full role as citizens, but labor under all the disabilities of aliens. Any country can be their homeland, but for them their homeland, wherever it may be, is a foreign country. Like others, they marry and have children, but they do not expose them. They share their meals, but not their wives. They live in the flesh, but they are not governed by the desires of the flesh. They pass their days upon earth, but they are citizens of heaven. Obedient to the laws, they yet live on a level that transcends the law.

Christians love all men, but all men persecute them. Condemned because they are not understood, they are put to death, but raised to life again. They live in poverty, but enrich many; they are totally destitute, but possess an abundance of everything. They suffer dishonor, but that is their glory. They are defamed, but vindicated. A blessing is their answer to abuse, deference their response to insult. For the good they do they receive the punishment of malefactors, but even then they rejoice, as though receiving the gift of life. They are attacked by the Jews as aliens, they are persecuted by the Greeks, yet no one can explain the reason for this hatred.

To speak in general terms, we may say that the Christian is to the world what the soul is to the body. As the soul is present in every part of the body, while remaining distinct from it, so Christians are found in all the cities of the world, but cannot be identified with the world. As the visible body contains the invisible soul, so Christians are seen living in the world, but their religious life remains unseen. The body hates the soul and wars against it, not because of any injury the soul has done it, but because of the restriction the soul places on its pleasures. Similarly, the world hates the Christians, not because they have done it any wrong, but because they are opposed to its enjoyments.

Christians love those who hate them just as the soul loves the body and all its members despite the body’s hatred. It is by the soul, enclosed within the body, that the body is held together, and similarly, it is by the Christians, detained in the world as in a prison, that the world is held together. The soul, though immortal, has a mortal dwelling place; and Christians also live for a time amidst perishable things, while awaiting the freedom from change and decay that will be theirs in heaven. As the soul benefits from the deprivation of food and drink, so Christians flourish under persecution. Such is the Christian’s lofty and divinely appointed function, from which he is not permitted to excuse himself.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

The reasons why we praise God on Sunday, specially attending the Mass

An old hymn of the Liturgy sums up the reasons why we praise God on Sunday, specially attending the Mass:

On this day, the first of days,
God the Father’s Name we praise,
who, creation’s Lord and Spring,
did the world from darkness bring.

On this day His only Son
over death the triumph won;
on this day the Spirit came
with his gifts of living flame.

On this day His people raise,
Lord, your sacrifice of praise;
as we laud the saints above
turned on Christ’s redeeming love.

Praise for God through He be given,
praise on earth and praise in heaven,
praise to thy eternal Son.
On his day our peace we won.

(From the Breviary of the Diocese of LeMans, 1748)